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Bobcats In Maryland

How Many Bobcats Are in Maryland?

Bobcat Distribution in Maryland

Bobcats are predominantly found in western Maryland, particularly in the mountainous and forested regions of Garrett, Allegany, and Washington counties. However, they have also been known to inhabit the Piedmont region and occasional sightings have been reported in the far eastern counties of the state.

Bobcat Population in Maryland

Despite their elusive nature, bobcats are relatively common in Maryland. The state maintains a healthy and stable bobcat population, estimated to number in the thousands. The regeneration and aging of Maryland's forests have created ideal habitats for these adaptable predators.


To answer the question posed in the title, there are a significant number of bobcats in Maryland. Their presence is primarily concentrated in western Maryland, but they can be encountered throughout the state, including the Piedmont and even the far eastern counties. The stable population of bobcats is a testament to the state's commitment to wildlife conservation and habitat management.
