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Bobcats Deutsch


Bobcat: A Feline with Many Names

Translation and Etymology

The term "bobcat" has its origins in the Algonquian language, where it means "cat with a short tail." The word "lynx" is often used interchangeably with "bobcat," but it actually refers to a different species of feline. In German, the translation for "bobcat" is "Luchs."

Noun-Verb Tables

The noun-verb tables in bilingual dictionaries provide a comprehensive overview of the different forms and uses of words in both languages. For example, the noun-verb table for "bobcat" in the LEOs English-German dictionary includes the following:

  • Bobcat (noun) - Luchs (noun)
  • Bobcats (noun) - Luchse (noun)

Distribution and Conservation

Bobcats are found throughout North America, from Canada to Mexico. They are highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and swamps. Despite their adaptability, bobcats are listed as a species of concern in some areas due to habitat loss and fragmentation.

In Germany, bobcats are found primarily in the eastern part of the country. They are a protected species under German law and are not considered a conservation concern.


The bobcat is a fascinating feline with a rich history and a diverse distribution. Its ability to adapt to urban environments and its unique hunting abilities make it a valuable and respected member of the ecosystem. Understanding the different names and translations for "bobcat" allows us to appreciate its global significance and the need for its continued protection.

