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Bobcats Making A Comeback In Ohio

Bobcats Making a Comeback in Ohio

One of Seven Wild Cat Species Found in North America

What You Need to Know About Bobcats in Ohio

The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a species of wild cat that is native to Ohio. It is one of seven wild cat species found in North America, and the only one that is native to the eastern United States.

Bobcats were once thought to be extinct in Ohio, but they have made a comeback in recent years. The number of bobcats observed each year has quickly accelerated, and they can now be found throughout southeast and southern Ohio with occasional sightings in other parts of the state.

Bobcats are medium-sized cats, with adults typically weighing between 15 and 35 pounds. They have short, dense fur that is typically brown or gray with black spots. Bobcats are solitary animals that are most active at night. They are ambush predators that typically prey on small mammals, such as rabbits, squirrels, and mice.

Why Bobcats Are Making a Comeback in Ohio

There are several reasons why bobcats are making a comeback in Ohio. One reason is the increase in the number of deer in the state. Deer are a major food source for bobcats, and the increase in the deer population has provided bobcats with more food. Another reason for the bobcat's comeback is the increase in the amount of forestland in Ohio. Bobcats prefer to live in forested areas, and the increase in forestland has provided them with more habitat.

The return of bobcats to Ohio is a positive development for the state's ecosystem. Bobcats are an important predator that helps to keep the populations of small mammals in check. They are also a beautiful and fascinating animal that is a welcome addition to the state's wildlife.

How to Avoid Conflicts with Bobcats

While bobcats are generally shy and avoid contact with humans, there are some things you can do to avoid conflicts with them.

  • Never approach a bobcat, especially if it is with its kittens.
  • If you see a bobcat, make yourself look as large as possible and make noise to scare it away.
  • Do not feed bobcats or leave food out for them.
  • Secure your garbage cans and pet food to prevent bobcats from getting to them.

By following these tips, you can help to avoid conflicts with bobcats and enjoy the beauty of these amazing animals.
