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Aurora Borealis Near Chicago

Northern Lights Visible in Chicago as Solar Storm Intensifies

Rare Phenomenon Brings Aurora Borealis to Unusual Latitude

By Meghan Hassett
May 11, 2024

Chicagoans were treated to a rare celestial spectacle this weekend as a powerful solar storm illuminated the sky with vibrant hues of the Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis. The phenomenon, typically visible only in the polar regions, was made possible by an unusually strong geomagnetic storm that brought charged particles from the sun deep into Earth's atmosphere.

The aurora borealis occurs when these charged particles interact with molecules in the atmosphere, releasing energy in the form of light. The colors of the aurora vary depending on the type of gas involved, with red and green hues typically caused by oxygen molecules and blue and purple hues by nitrogen.

The solar storm responsible for this rare spectacle was the strongest in recent years, allowing the Northern Lights to be visible as far south as Chicago. Residents from Lakeview to Hyde Park reported sightings of the celestial display, capturing stunning images and sharing them on social media.

While the solar storm has now passed, scientists believe that its effects may linger for several days, offering the possibility of additional aurora borealis sightings in the Chicago area. Those hoping to catch a glimpse of this breathtaking phenomenon are encouraged to stay tuned to weather forecasts and social media updates for the latest information.

The appearance of the Northern Lights so far south is a testament to the power of solar storms and a reminder of the interconnectedness of our planet with the sun. It is a rare and awe-inspiring sight that leaves a lasting impression on all who witness it.
